If your bot is hosted by el-services.net or learner -> np should work already
You need to provide an URL where a csv file can be retrieved
Format of the URL:
the URL should look like http://www.foo.bar/mybots/Testbot.csv
where "http://www.foo.bar/mybots/" is the base for all your hosted bots.
"Testbot" must match the botname.
and the extension ".csv"
Format of entries:
botname,Testbot owner,Greypal location,Testmap,40,50 freeemu,30 freeslots,5 buying,Fire Essence,1,2.5 selling,Fire Essence,1,3.5Selling/Buying In Detail:
The location entry has the following structure "location,<mapname>,<x-coord>,<y-coord>"
Buying and selling entries as needed.
The item description must match the description seen in sto,inv or trade.
If you have a bunch of bots you can also provide a "index" file under the base-url like http://www.foo.bar/mybots/botlist.txt
at minimum there should be one botname per line in raw ascii.
Optional you can add separated by a space-character a url for a existing web-interface.
Just PM me ingame or via forum